Sadly, I procrastinated like usual and rushed through making this cosplay in 2 weeks...;-; the pattern for 2B's bodice was hard to create because it was so detailed, but I tried my best drawing it out on some fabric first before cutting it out and somehow that worked...I didn't have any other patterns to go by so I just tried measuring it against my body in tandem with cutting the fabric. For the skirt, I cut a 3/4 circle and sewed in a hidden pocket for fun. I free handed the pattern on the skirt with some white fabric paint, so it was a little off but if you look from far away you probably can't tell too much haha. The sleeves were quite poofy, with feathers sewn inside around the bottom hole (which were surprisingly itchy). 

I cosplayed 2b from NieR: Automata at Anime Expo and ran into the amazing Kira Buckland (english voice actress for 2b on the left)! Then we got a group picture (bottom right)!

2b showcase

The making of 2B cosplay